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CIO Perspectives

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CIO Perspectives: Geopolitical Shocks and Supply Side Effects

There have been many developments over the past week. Looking within Asia first, we examine how supply side economic policies in China could have side effects on Chinese asset prices. Over in the Middle East, geopolitical risks are once again elevated. But what does this all mean for investors? Will energy supply and global markets be severely affected? Join us this week as our Asia Head of Investment Strategy uncovers all the details.

CIO Perspectives: Geopolitical Shocks and Supply Side Effects

Recent Podcasts

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CIO Perspectives: Labor Market Slowing, Corporate Profits Growing

The latest scare over even more draconian tech export bans by the US against China has hit popular megacap tech stocks. But is the fear warranted? Our APAC Head of Investment Strategy Ken Peng brings to our attention the sharp market correction on semiconductors and how the broader equity market could be benefitting from a more dovish Fed.

CIO Perspectives: Labor Market Slowing, Corporate Profits Growing

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CIO Perspectives: What's Next For Japan?

Japanese equities have traded sideways recently after a 21% surge in the first quarter. Investors are wondering if they have missed the train for Japanese equities. Our APAC Head of Investment Strategy, believes that the next phase of Japan's bull market might have just begun and gives us the key reasons why Japan represents an opportunity to diversify overly concentrated portfolios.

CIO Perspectives: What's Next For Japan?

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CIO Perspectives: Do Opportunities Exist Within Fixed Income?

As investors remain excited over AI fever and the Fed's forecasts that interest rates will be 2.8% over the "longer run", one might ask are there any investment opportunities in Fixed Income? Our APAC Investment Strategist, explores whether this could be an investment worth noting.

CIO Perspectives: Do Opportunities Exist Within Fixed Income?

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